At GDC, Covering Women in Games Roundtable

Looking for new sources? Pitching women clients? I’ll be heading up to GDC this week to cavort and make merry, but more importantly, I will be moderating this roundtable for the IGDA Women in Games SIG:

Covering Women in Games Roundtable

Where: GDC, Moscone North Hall, Room 112
When: Thursday, March 20th, 11:30am-12:30pm, 2014
The IGDA WIG SIG invites journalists, PR professionals and community managers to come together to identify what’s working and what isn’t in games journalism as it relates to women developers. For journalists who want to improve their coverage of women in the industry, this roundtable will identify current problems and provide solutions for how women developers are included in the media.


Attendees will leave this session understanding the concerns of women developers covered in games media along with best practices for covering women in games.

Intended Audience

Games journalists looking to improve diversity in the industry and improve their coverage of women will benefit the most from this session. PR professionals and community managers will likewise benefit and add a great deal to the discussion.

ALL GDC BADGE HOLDERS may attend.  RSVP is not required, but requested so we can send you reminders: .  Or, you can add this session to your GDC schedule:

Check out all the WIG SIG events here: See you at GDC!

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