Tag Archives: marginalized genders

Roundtable on Navigating Layoffs at GDC 2024

Layoffs have hit the game industry in the last year, and we’re going to talk about it at GDC. I’ll be leading the annual IGDA Women in Games SIG’s roundtable, focusing on how to navigate layoffs and the impact they’ve had on more than just those affected. It’s open to all badges! Add the session to your GDC schedule by clicking here. If you’re joining in the annual pilgrimage to San Francisco next week, I hope to see you there!

Staying in Play Roundtable: Gender-Specific Strategies Amidst Game Industry Layoffs (Presented by the IGDA)

When: Thursday, March 21st, 10am
Where: Moscone Convention Center, Room 203, South Hall
What: Roundtable

Staying in Play Roundtable: Gender-Specific Strategies Amidst Game Industry Layoffs (Presented by the IGDA)

When: Thursday, March 21st, 10am
Where: Moscone Convention Center, Room 203, South Hall

The game industry’s layoffs in the last year has surpassed 17,250 people, posing unique challenges for non-binary individuals, women, and trans men, all often disproportionately affected by job instability. This discussion explores effective strategies for career longevity, recognizing the distinct hurdles faced by these groups. We explore networking tailored to the needs of underrepresented genders, mastery of cutting-edge skills, and establishing a standout professional identity. Attendees share insights and strategies for resilience amidst uncertainty and how to persevere during a long job search. This session is dedicated to empowering all marginalized genders with the tools to navigate and thrive within the industry, ensuring their talents are recognized and retained. The roundtable also offers the opportunity to generate ideas on what the industry can do as a whole.

Add the session to your GDC schedule by clicking here.

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